At EOFPL our distribution network is flexible and responsive.
The Company’s shared information systems and integrated logistics systems including the emergence of extremely competent suppliers make our cooperative efforts highly outstanding with a marked impetus for innovation.
We have the ability to satisfy customers’ extraordinary needs. What customers want is what they get. In our highly agile network, distributors can fulfil requests for unusual products and support services by allying with other distributors. We also offer superior services through shared capabilities. Where each member of the distribution channel is equally skilled in offering their high end expertise.
EOFPL is the perfect blend of technology and people making our distribution network one of the most competent in the country.
The highlights of our distributor network are:
Reduced Costs: We meet demands with our excellent network of rail and road transport, and our smooth and efficient supply chain goes a long way in reducing costs.
A tighter focus on your Core Competencies: We are very focussed on our strengths and we are a perfect blend of technology and people that achieve maximum efficiency at all times.
More efficient marketing: We have an excellent network and we provide supplies and services to even the remotest of areas by employing a word of mouth strategy, using our outstanding equity in the market.
Wider Customer Reach: Our marketing strategy has built up our brand image and we are networked in such a way that our products reach places where our competitors find it difficult.
Logistic Support: We have our own inventory of logistics and we don’t have to hire a third party for the supply and movement of our goods.
Easily Available Feedback: We have a system in place that puts us in instant touch with our suppliers, vendors and customers through highly digitized platforms that allow any kind of feedback to come to us without wasting precious man hours and working hours.
Faster Growth: With an excellent client list, wide reach, and innovative growth the Company is on the fast track. Keep LYNQ’ING with us!