
Bhu-Dhan contains free living Nitrogen fixing bacteria, phosphate solubilising micro organism in plenty. Bhu-Dhan contains well-matured organic matter and growth promoting substances of biological origin. It contains biological chelated major and minor nutrients.

B- Biodegradable


H- Healthy


U- Upgradable


D- Decompose


H- Hygiene


A- Agriculture


N- Nutrient

Composition of Bhu-Dhan

Benefits of Bhu-Dhan
Organic Fertilizers has 15 active micro and macro elements such as N. P. K., Mg, Ca, Zn, Mn, C, Humic Acids etc. providing plant nutrients and also feeding the soil .
But Chemical Fertilizers only feed the plant with the help of few elements such as N.P.K., Mg. & Ca.
Effective advantage of Bhu-Dhan is providing organic carbon to soil which helps the growth of beneficial micro organisms.